Karnataka captain Mayank Agarwal experienced a health emergency after consuming an unidentified liquid on an IndiGo flight from Agartala to Surat via New Delhi on Tuesday. The 32-year-old was swiftly admitted to the ICU at ILS Hospital in Agartala and is reported to be in stable condition.
“He (Mayank) will not be able to speak for another 24 hours, and the doctors aren’t yet sure of what he has consumed so we will only know later on what has happened,” said the team manager. “He complained of a burning sensation in his mouth and down so we attended to him immediately. It looked severe. He was in a lot of pain. But, he is out of danger, and he will be under observation every hour.”
The manager disclosed that Mayank, who happens to be the son-in-law of Central Bureau of Investigation chief Praveen Sood, received attention from both the police and IndiGo personnel once his condition stabilized. An investigation has now been initiated.
With Karnataka set to miss the services of their regular captain, Nikin Jose is tipped to lead the side in the absence of Agarwal. Jose is Agarwal’s deputy in the ongoing edition of the domestic tournament.
“He (Agarwal) is not in any kind of danger. He is under observation currently in a hospital at Agartala, and we will fly him back to Bengaluru once we get an update from the doctors, which we are expecting tonight,” a Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA) official was quoted as saying.